What is Umbrella Insurance?

What is Umbrella Insurance?



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Hey, Ben Wong here. Just wanted to take a few minutes to chat about the umbrella policy coverages. The umbrella insurance, sometimes it’s called excess liability insurance, protects you from unforeseen major events. Here in California there’s more high-value cars on the road, for example, your Porsches, your Mercedes, your Teslas. So the typical $100,000 to $300,000 limits on the auto policy are typically not enough.
Who needs to buy umbrella [00:00:30] insurance you say? Well, agents typically, in the past, have recommended umbrella if the net worth of the client is over a million dollars. However, the umbrella coverage is not for the rich. In fact, you’re in need of the extra liability coverage if you drive a car, own a boat, have rental properties, even if it’s something as simple as serving on as a volunteer on a board. Umbrella coverage will provide with an extra million dollars to $10 million dollars in protection, in [00:01:00] addition to your home, auto, or boat. And surprisingly, this price is quite affordable, especially when you consider what you have to lose.
Give us a call, 650-873-1255, and we’ll be happy to answer nay questions that you might have, and just to see which umbrella policy is right for you.